Classes and times
Beginners Ballet
Wednesday 3.45pm - 4.30pm
Saturday 11.30am - 12.15pm
A fun 45 minute class, once a week for kids aged 5 - 6 years. Children will be taught the basics of Ballet in a creative environment, the fundamental steps of classical ballet are taught through the BAL syllabus. Exercises focus on developing basic technique, style and performance.
​Beginner Ballet children have the opportunity to enter for NZAMD Medal Awards, BAL examinations and perform in our end of year recital.
Uniform consists of Pink leotard, elastic waist skirt, pink ballet socks / tights and ballet shoes.
​Term fees $150
Pre Primary Ballet
Thursday 3.30pm - 4.15pm
Saturday 10.45am - 11.30am
A fun 45 minute class, once a week for kids age 6 - 7 years. Children will be taught the basics of Ballet in a creative environment, the fundamental steps of classical ballet are taught through the BAL syllabus. Exercises focus on developing basic technique, style and performance.
Pre Primary children have the opportunity to enter for NZAMD Medal Award BAL examinations and perform in our end of year recital.
Uniform consists of Pink leotard, elastic waist skirt, pink ballet socks / tights and ballet shoes.
​Term fees $150
Primary Ballet
Wednesday 4.30pm - 5.15pm
Saturday 10.00am - 10.45am
A fun 45 minute class, once a week for kids aged 7 - 8 years. Children will be taught the fundamental steps of classical ballet through the BAL syllabus. Exercises focus on developing basic technique, style and performance.
Primary children have the opportunity to enter for NZAMD Medal Awards, BAL examinations and perform in our end of year recital.
​Uniform consists of Red leotard, Red wrap skirt, pink ballet socks / tights and ballet shoes.
Term fees $150
Grade 1 Ballet
Tuesday 3.45pm - 4.30pm
Saturday 9.15am - 10.00am
A 45 minute class twice a week, for kids aged 8 - 9 years. Children will develop their knowledge of ballet, including learning barre exercises to strengthen technique.
Ballet 1 children have the opportunity to enter for NZAMD Medal Awards, BAL examinations and perform in our end of year recital.
​Uniform consists of red leotard, red wrap skirt, pink ballet socks / tights and ballet shoes.
Term fees $265
Grade 2 Ballet
Tuesday 4.30pm - 5.15pm
Saturday 10.00am - 10.45am
A 45 minute class, twice a week for kids aged 9 - 10 years. Children will continue to develop their knowledge of Ballet building on previously learnt steps. Exercises focus on developing strength in classical technique, style and performance.
​Ballet 2 children have the opportunity to enter for NZAMD Medal Awards, BAL examinations and perform in our end of year recital.
Uniform consists of pale blue leotard, pale blue wrap skirt, pink ballet socks / tights and ballet shoes.
Term fees $265
Grade 3 Ballet
Wednesday 5.15pm - 6.00pm
Saturday 12.00pm - 12.45pm
A 45 minute class, twice a week for kids aged 10 - 11 years. Children will
develop their knowledge and understanding of classical technique, music and performance which is reflected in their ability to co-ordinate simple movements.
​Ballet 3 children have the opportunity to enter for NZAMD Medal Awards, BAL examinations and perform in our end of year recital.
Uniform consists of light blue leotard, light blue wrap skirt, tights and ballet shoes.
Term fees $265
Grade 4 Ballet
Thursday 4.15pm - 5.00pm
Saturday 12.15pm - 1.00pm
A 45 minute class twice a week for students aged 11 years upwards. Students will work towards consolidating their Classical technique, working on increased range of movements in sequences of greater length and complexity, developing the appropriate sense of style and quality within their movements.
Ballet 5 students have the opportunity to enter for NZAMD Medal Awards, BAL examinations and perform in our end of year recital.​
​Uniform consists of a navy leotard, navy wrap skirt, tights and ballet shoes.
Term fees $290
Pre Pointe Class
Thursday 5.45pm - 6.15pm
A 30 minute class, once a week for 11 + years working toward Ballet 5 level, specifically for students interested in dancing en pointe.
Students will focus purely on gaining the strength and technique to go up onto Pointe. Initially starting with foot and ankle strengthening exercises using a resistance band to develop the necessary strength required for Pointe, developing to barre exercises to learn how to dance safely in pointe shoes, with the correct technique.
​Uniform consists of navy leotard, navy wrap skirt, tights and Pointe shoes.
Term fees $105
Ballet 5
Thursday 5.00pm - 5.45pm
Saturday 9.15am - 10.00am
​A 45 minute class, twice a week for students aged 12 + years.
Candidates will build upon skills, knowledge and understanding in relation to an increasing vocabulary of movement and artistic understanding showing increased confidence and assurance.
Students will develop their strength and technique whilst working on set variations.
Students have the opportunity to enter for NZAMD Medal Awards, BAL examinations and perform in our end of year recital.
Uniform consists of navy leotard, navy wrap skirt, tights and ballet shoes.
​Term fees $300
Elementary Pointe
Saturday 1.30pm - 2.15pm
A 45 minute class, once a week for students aged 13 + years.
Students will continue to develop strength and technique at the barre and also progress to more demanding exercises in the centre. Working to develop confidence with basic steps in the centre whilst learning simple combinations.
Uniform consists of black leotard, black wrap skirt, tights and ballet shoes.
​Term fees $140
Elementary Ballet
Tuesday 5.15pm - 6.15pm (1st year)
Tuesday 6.15pm - 7.15pm (2nd year)
Saturday 2.15pm - 3.15pm
A one hour class, twice a week for students aged 13 + years.
Candidates will build upon skills, knowledge and understanding in relation to an increasing vocabulary of movement and artistic understanding showing increased confidence and assurance.
Students will develop their strength and technique whilst working on set variations.
Students have the opportunity to enter for NZAMD Medal Awards, BAL examinations and perform in our end of year recital.
Uniform consists of black leotard, black wrap skirt, tights and ballet shoes.
Term fees $310
Inter Pointe
Saturday 4.15pm - 5.00pm
A 45 minute class, once a week for students aged 13 + years.
Students will continue to develop strength and technique at the barre and also progress to more demanding exercises in the centre. Working to develop confidence with basic steps in the centre whilst learning simple combinations.
Uniform consists of black leotard, black wrap skirt, tights and ballet shoes.
​Term fees $140
Ballet Intermediate
Tuesday 7.15pm - 8.15pm
Saturday 3.15pm - 4.15pm
A one hour class, twice a week for students aged 14 + years.
​Students should have a solid classical technique to enable them to perform complex movement combinations at the barre and in the centre, on flat and en pointe.
Students will develop their strength and technique whilst working on set variations, and should be confident to perform pirouette sequences, beats and grande allegro combinations.
Students have the opportunity to enter for NZAMD Medal Awards, and perform in our end of year recital.
Uniform consists of black leotard, black wrap skirt, tights and ballet shoes.
​Term fees $310